

I could share with you the benefits of increasing zinc consumption to boost your immunity while ensuring you don’t consume too many phytate containing grains that may prevent it’s absorption, or to increase your exposure to sunlight in measured safe doses or take vitamin D supplements as small daily doses or weekly higher doses depending on your genetic profile. I could talk to you about what it is like to get tested for COVID-19 or share with you emerging research (very much in it’s infancy) on experiences for treating COVID-19.

But in all honesty…

The athlete

The athlete

I am enjoying having my hubby home since he’s working from home during lockdown. We are having a family beach walk bathed by the warmth of the setting sun. Normally he’s not back from work until much later this is a real treat… I observe as someone start’s a game of tag. Unexpectedly I am tagged from behind… normally I do not play.. I feel fear