Certainty - a human need

Years ago I listened to a TED’s talk by Tony Robbins on “Why we do what we do”. I’ve never forgotten it. His points about certainty, significance and connection really come into focus right now, in the rapidly changing times around us.

My children are coping with uncertainty by creating daily schedules that mimic their school week to create certainty that gives them a sense of structure, order, and purpose which calms them, keeps them happily occupied and brings joy. They start their day with a beach walk with the dogs, followed by maths, gardening, a fun activity, morning tea, a project they have chosen to do for the following four weeks, another fun activity, lunch, cooking and then another fun activity such as art, games, music or handwork. It is all go. Come 3pm its free play until dinner at 6pm, then they take turns with a one-on-one beach walk with me leaving the other two siblings to have “bonding time”. Any interruptions that break their flow (especially by me) are most unwelcome.

My husband is driven and motivated by the significance of his work to contribute to the wider community. He is providing help and assistance to thousands of people in need and the sense of purpose fuels the energy needed to endure the gruelling hours and many hurdles being faced, just like other leaders and decision makers.

Our communities are coming together, despite physical separation to support each other. The strong emotions we are feeling can drive us to truly start living, see life from a different perspective and really start giving.

Tempted to listen to the talk? Click on the link below.