Self responsibility

Self responsibility

Understanding the triangle - victim-perpetrator-rescuer was an “aha” moment for me, it explained the dance I did everyday in my life. As I lay in bed this morning listening to my two daughters do a dance they have danced since the day they both existed together in this world, I resisted the urge to leap out of bed to rescue them. It escalated - like a fight between two baboons - all over the last banana…

Certainty - a human need

Certainty - a human need

Years ago I listened to a TED’s talk by Tony Robbins on “Why we do what we do”. I’ve never forgotten it. His points about certainty, significance and connection really come into focus right now, in the rapidly changing times around us.

My children are coping with uncertainty by creating…..

Practice management changes for lockdown of COVID-19

Dear Patients, 

COVID19 has changed our lives in unexpected ways, and is changing the way we think, work, act and be. There have been many chaotic times in my life and several times where I have struggled to see the light at the end of the tunnel. When I reflect on these today though, I am always grateful for the opportunities for growth that came about  - the wake up call, the realisations to change and do things differently, the death of old patterns and beliefs that no longer served me and the birth of a new way of being, thinking and living. I have learnt that there is always a silver lining, even when it is hard to see at the time. 

I will be starting a blog on my website to give you regular tips on what you can do to support yourself emotionally, physically and spiritually through the uncertain times ahead, stay healthy and vital, see the glass as half full, help your body heal if you do get COVID19 and provide you with accurate evidence based medical and epidemiological information on COVID19 as this becomes more available. If you would like to be notified of interesting and useful info updates, please enter your details in the “connect here” box at the bottom of my website. 

In the last six months I have successfully worked with patients remotely on the South and North Island using ZOOM for virtual face to face consults. I would like to extend this to those of you who would prefer this to travelling into the practice. ZOOM is a professional platform that enables us to talk and see each other and show you my computer screen live, to review lab tests etc. You will need internet access - preferably wifi, a microphone and camera. Most smart phones are able to be used if you do not have a laptop or desktop with these functions. Please contact the practice at Natural Healing in Raumati if you would like to change your appointment to a ZOOM consult and email both AND . With this, we will be able to send you an email invite and information on how to download the ZOOM app and set it up in advance of the appointment. We will send you invoices electronically that you can pay with online banking. Prescriptions and lab requests can be posted to you at no extra charge if they are part of the ZOOM consult. My fees will remain unchanged for consults with the duration of the consult being invoiced as usual. It is important to me that healthcare is accessible and affordable, if you are experiencing financial hardship, please see this section on my website under the fee schedule for more info. If you need to cancel, please do so 24 hours before your appointment to enable another patient to take your slot, otherwise a cancellation fee at my discretion may ensue. 

Prescription refills will be reviewed by me on an individual basis. If I feel I do not need to see you in person or if physical examination can be deferred, I will be able to issue this virtually. Please email the practice your request titled: SCRIPT JOANNA. Prescriptions filled this way will cost $20. Please allow 7 days for script requests. Urgent scripts will be charged at $35. 

If you need to come into the practice, please stay in your car and call reception on 04 297 9999 from your car to let them know you have arrived. Your car will be your new “waiting room”. For those of you using public transport or walking, please enjoy the garden outside. 

If you have fever of 38 degrees or more, a sore throat, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath or have contact with an infected or potentially infected person, please call Healthline 0800 358 5453. In the next days, designated swabbing centers will be set up for virus testing. I will provide updates on my blog that you can receive per email if requested via my website.

If you are feeling unwell and have shortness of breath, call Healthline and start your journey to Keneperu or Wellington Hospital, preferably in a private car. Please only call an ambulance in an emergency, to keep these free for the emergencies we have on a day to day basis and to avoid the need to disinfect an ambulance which takes around 2 hours at a cost of approximately $2000.  

Natural Healing Raumati will be sending information and the annual newsletter shortly per post. Please note that I work in the space at Natural Healing Raumati and am one of the team but am a solo independent practitioner. Caitlin will be supporting her family during the next four weeks and will not be working at the practice, which will make communication for the practice and myself more challenging.  As I do not have access to the email from home and in the event that I also need to self isolate, please cc me at until further notice. 




Dr Joanna Bauer-Savage

MCNZ 50880

22 Margaret Road

Raumati Beach

5032 Kapiti

Tel: 04 297 9999



'“Mummy I can’t sleep”, says my youngest daughter. As I lie cuddling her in her little bed, she tells me she is scared. Someone told her there are giants behind Mount Everest. One of her biggest dreams is to be the first kiwi kid to climb Mount Everest and be on the New Zealand 5 dollar note with Sir Edmund Hillary. She tells me graphic detail, what she imagines the giant may look like - with it’s big pointy fingers and big ears, how it may suddenly shout “Boo” from behind the mountain, and how terrified she feels.

The giant is the perfect metaphor for COVID-19….