I am passionate about my work and work to serve and help the patients that cross my path. Working in an integrative way is much more involved and time consuming for me than working as a conventional doctor. There is much work done behind the scenes that you are likely to be unaware of. I receive income for charging for my time and I appreciate it when patients honour and value this.

I run a practice that receives no funding like your GP would from TU ORA COMPASS HEALTH, a Primary Healthcare Organisation (PHO).


Due to the holistic nature of my work, more time is often required during an appointment. To account for this and to allow flexibility and to accommodate different budgets, consultations are offered in 30 min, 45 min or 1 hour appointments. The start and finish time for each consultation is recorded in your notes.


Current Fee Schedule as of 1 August 2021

30 min consultation - $150
45 min consultation - $225
60 min consultation - $300


Additional consultation time is charged in 5 minute increments and added to your invoice on top of the booked appointment time. I do my best to work within the time allocated for the appointment, however this is not always possible as each person is unique and issues may arise that need time for discussion and emotional processing.

If you would like to strictly adhere to the booked consultation time (and fee) please take responsibility for this and be realistic about what needs to be covered during your booked time.

A consultation usually consists of welcoming you, a catch up and update to review where we are at on your health journey, identify any challenges or problems, identify any new issues, reviewing your supplement and medication protocol if relevant, reviewing labs and test results where relevant, listening to you, explaining, coaching, emotional release, note taking, physical examination where indicated, clarifying the next steps and communicating these clearly to you and greeting you goodbye.

If you are prone to talk a lot and wish to be more aware of this to avoid going over your consult time and/or need to be particularly budget conscious, please let me know so I can gently and compassionately support this.


Repeat $25
(Wednesdays and Thursdays)
Urgent + $10
(If cannot wait until the next Wednesday or Thursday)


Wholesale prices + postage and GST for patients to self order from FxMed and Nutrisearch.

Wholesale prices + postage + GST + 10% mark up for me to order from Pacific Health and Pro Herb as these cannot be ordered by patients.

Retail prices (inclusive of GST) if you want these ordered by us + postage in most cases


I charge $150 for my time to review questionnaires given to you for completion before your initial appointment.

Time for their review will be booked out in my diary under your name.

You do not come to this appointment however, it is your responsibility to ensure they are returned 4 days before the HAQ Paperwork Review Appointment date.

If you paperwork is not returned by this date, your paperwork review appointment and initial appointment will be rescheduled at a later date and both appointments given to the next person on my waiting list. You will be charged a “HAQ Paperwork Review Appointment No Show Fee” of $150.


In certain cases I may recommend doing functional (non funded) tests. There are offered to you at wholesale prices +GST and postage.

Review of these tests occurs during your appointment.

The OATS test, DUTCH and FITGENES tests each require half and hour ($110) of my time for review prior to your appointment.

You will be invoiced $110 once the results are received by the clinic to allow for time for their review before your appointment.

FITGENES incurs an additional $30 fee for handling and processing.

The Complete Microbiome Test requires 15 minutes of Joanna's time ($55) before your appointment to review the results and plan a treatment protocol for you.


Emails are intended for appointments and to notify us of unexpected reactions to treatment protocols, for repeat prescription requests and treatment protocol clarifications. Please keep these to minimum :-)

Please bring a notebook to your appointment to take notes.

Anything unrelated to the above needs to be addressed at your next appointment, alternatively a phone consultation or a medical administration appointment can be booked to discuss the contents of your email.

Any emails updating Joanna on your health status or test results will be uploaded to your patient file for discussion at your following appointment.

Please keep all email correspondence to a minimum.


I really enjoy working with children, however it is a specialty in its own right and even more so within integrative medicine. From January 2021 I will be focusing on and continuing professional development in female reproductive and sexual integrative health and will therefore no longer be taking on children as patients unless they are teens or tween with reproductive and sexual health problems.

I will continue to work children I have taken on. They will remain on the same fee schedule except there will now be a charge of $45 for the first 15 minutes as this will no longer be funded by the PHO. 


All invoices are sent electronically on the day of consult. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to take credit card payments.

Payment is expected within 24 hours of consultation via online banking to:

Joanna Bauer-Savage to 38-9022-0704-800-00

Please use your invoice number and surname as a reference.

Payments not received within 7 days of consultation will incur a late payment fee of 4% of the total invoice amount per day.


A cancellation with less than 48 hours notice may result in a cancellation fee for 50% of the fee equal to the fee duration booked.

A no show will be charged for the fee equal to the fee duration booked and for HAQ Paperwork Appointment No Shows.

Appointment reminders will be sent automatically per text and email 48 hours hours prior to your appointment.
Please ensure your details are updated as necessary.


I believe health care should be accessible to all. Circumstances in life can change and fluctuate and I understand that this may affect your ability to access health care at any given time. I also believe however, that each person has the possibility to make choices to prioritise, take responsibility for, and invest in their health.

Being self employed, means I need to find the balance between my investment in your health - in terms of time, effort, ongoing training, medical insurance, registration fees, contribution to practice running costs, tax and my own financial needs; with a patient’s ability to pay for my services.

If you have financial hardship that would genuinely prevent you from consulting me, please request an appointment to discuss an alternative payment schedule.