Intimacy and feeling confident to express ourselves as sexual beings is key to our overall sense of wellbeing, health and longevity. Yet, this area of health is challenged with shame, trauma and stigma that prevent us from enjoying intimacy and connection as well as seeking help and support. I offer you a safe space to be able to share and discuss any concerns or questions you may have such as low libido, painful sex, difficulty with erection and orgasm, body image, sexual identity and expression, navigating consent and building trust with a partner. I am medically trained to give you advice about the prevention, screening and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, and to help you identify the contraception that is best for you.
As women, our lives, feelings, sensuality, sense of well being and health are deeply connected to our reproductive health. Irregular menstrual cycles, painful and heavy periods, low libido, painful sex, contraception, difficulties in conceiving, unplanned pregnancy, miscarriage, pregnancy, child birth, post partum complications such as post natal depression, trauma, pelvic floor issues, stress incontinence, screening, the menopause and bio-identical hormones, are some of the areas in which I can help you.
Feeling low, anxious or frustrated can be due to many different reasons. If you are finding it challenging to stay on an even keel, burnt out or are confused about what your life’s purpose is, I invite you to come and see me for an integrative and holistic approach to identifying the underlying cause and supporting you to find that joy for life. I start by exploring organic causes that may be underlying your symptoms (eg. thyroid, blood sugar, gut and adrenal issues). I then use a variety of tools that are specifically appropriate for you to re-spark joy in your life. The choice of how far you want to go, is up to you.
Both of these issues are related to chronic inflammation and a confused over active immune system. An integrative medical approach taking into account gut health, stressful life events, genetic profiling, functional testing, perceptions and beliefs, your lifestyle and coping mechanisms, will help to stabilise and improve your dis-ease, getting you back on track to living a life you love and enjoy.
Gut Health
Your gut is like a tropical rainforest of bugs collectively called microbiota which are key to optimal health. Your microbiota is unique to you and weighs up to 2kg of your body weight! It is influenced by what you eat, the medication you take, levels of stress and rest, where you live and even your thoughts. With current research in this exciting field of medicine, I can offer you an evidence based approach to assess and optimise the function of your microbiota and gut health resulting in far reaching improvements on many aspects of your health and wellbeing.
Injuries and acute and chronic musculo-skeletal pain can potentially prevent us from enjoying life, keeping fit, connecting with others, achieving personal and professional goals and can negatively affect our mood and sleep quality. A thorough history and physical exam, along with further tests where indicated, can help identify the underlying problem. Using a variety of treatment options and with the support of a fantastic team of therapists in our community, I can support you in an integrative and holistic way
METABOLIC DISEASE, Healthy Body weight and Image
Metabolic disorders such as heart disease, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, obesity, estrogen excess and fatty liver dis-ease reduce our life expectancy and more importantly, reduce our joy and quality of life. We’ve known for decades that most of these are preventable. Evidence based medicine shows that with timely lifestyle choices, many disorders are partly or completely reversible. This can reduce or eliminate the need for medication to manage them. With all the confusing information out there today, I can offer you a personalised evidence based approach to naturally, and where indicated - medically support you in reclaiming your health to feel and look your best.
Underlying parasites, previous insect bites and mould exposure can slip under the radar while having serious effects on our health. My Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Public Health and ongoing studies give me a solid foundation to be able to assess to see if these are underpinning your health issues. I work with you or in conjunction with other experts to support your healing journey. I can avail of both publicly funded and self-funded complex and detailed functional tests to help identify an underlying cause and monitor treatment.
I enjoy working with teens and tweens supporting their natural growth and development through a holistic and integrative approach that sees each person as unique. We can work together to support your teen or tween with hormonal and reproductive health issues. I take into account their in-utero and birth history, family and social circumstances, temperament, developmental journey, educational and lifestyle choices as well as parental wishes, where applicable, to help guide treatment options and support plans.
We can’t alter our genetic make-up, our genes are our genes. However, research shows we can regulate our genetic responses to have better outcomes. Our genes are 50% from our mother and 50% from our father. What we do with our genes is like a card game - we get what we are dealt and we cannot change it, however a player with a “bad deal” can still go on to win or have a great outcome if they play well and make good choices. Those players with a strong hand can still lose if they play poorly. For those who have tried many positive lifestyle changes and treatments with limited success, genetic profiling can provide valuable information to understand the puzzle. I am a qualified FITGENES practitioner which provides me with meaningful and useful information to support you to play your best game. Please feel free to contact us for more information.